Black Mamba Released Today : 2

Today is the day! Our new single Black Mamba is finally out, and we're beyond excited to share it with all of you. This track embodies our passion for music and brings a fresh, electrifying sound that we hope resonates with each of you.

Black Mamba is a song that speaks to the heart, with lyrics that weave a story of intensity, emotion, and rhythm. But that's not all – we've made sure you can immerse yourself fully in the Black Mamba experience. Visit our release page where you'll find everything Black Mamba: the lyrics to sing along, streaming links to listen on repeat, options to buy the track, and more exciting info about this release.

We put our souls into creating Black Mamba and are eager for you to hear it. Head over to the release page, let the music play, and let us know what you think on social network. Your support means the world to us, and we can't wait to hear your feedback. Thank you for being on this journey with us. Enjoy Black Mamba!

Amann & Léa